Monday, 25 April 2011

Pick of the day: 安室 奈美恵/Namie Amuro The Speed Star

Girl Talk/The Speed Star was Namie Amuro's 34th single and was released on October 14th 2004. The Speed Star was not included on her 7th studio album Queen of Hip-Pop but Girl Talk was and since then many fans have questioned wthether this was the right choice. Read below and see if I believe The Speed Star should have been left off!

The song starts off with the sound of a car being turned on before an electropop/hop beat is played. The beat immediately makes you want to move your legs, Namie begins to sing around the 0:31 mark over what sounds to be an electrorock beat. Once the chorus kicks in Namie begins to sing more and the beat become faster as an electro sound is played over the beat. Namie's voice sounds as it always does, good but not amazing. I personally prefer her voice in Break it/Get myself back ( but it's not terrible in this song. The breakdown is catchy, she sings more softer and slowly and the beat has slowed down too, it leads up to the final chorus being played. The PV is nothing amazing, you can watch it but in my opinion it's not something you will be wanting to watch again. The lyrics talk about how she doesn't care what people think of her, she enjoys having fun and that she is ""The Speed Star"! She ends the song by singing "Now it's time to prove i'm The Speed Star".

"I really don't care who and what I was, now it's time to prove i'm The Speed Star"

Overall I prefer The Speed Star to Girl Talk and if I had to pick one for Queen of Hip-Pop I would have picked The Speed Star. The song isn't that great though, I don't find myself listening to it much but it isn't terrible (Break it/Get Myself back are better than this though). I find Namie's songs are always hit and miss (especially pre-Style) and whilst this song is alright it definitely isn't one of her best songs, anything from Play and Past Future in my opinion pretty much beat this song.

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